The winter solstice is the time to wassail. Wassailling was a medieval Christmas drinking ritual to ensure a good cider harvest the following year. The Wassail drink is a spiced apple cider drink and can be made with alcoholic cider or just apple juice for a non alcoholic version and is a similar drink to todays mulled drinks.

- Apple juice ( or cider)
- 1 Apple
- 1 Orange
- Cloves
- Nutmeg
- Ground ginger
- Cinnamon sticks

- Slice the apple and orange and put in a pan with the apple juice, the cinnamon sticks and other spices.
- Heat up the mixture and simmer gently to allow the spices to infuse.
- Pour into a favourite mug or goblet and enjoy.
- Take yourself outside and toast your apple tree with a good “WASSAIL”

Here’s to thee, old apple tree,
That blooms well, bears well.
Hats full, caps full,
Three bushel bags full,
An’ all under one tree. Hurrah! Hurrah!
Merry Christmas
Sam x