So what do you do with those left over mini pumpkins that you used for decor in the autumn. I have to admit that I usually eat them. They’re really tasty if you just cut the top off, scoop out the seeds and roast them with a big blob of butter inside. Unfortunately, I had a glut of them this year and there are only so many I can eat so, I decided to update my display into a Christmas pumpkin display.

To me everything is made more festive with a splash of gold. I’m a big fan of Frenchic paints. They have a fantastic range, eco friendly and best of all for me, no odour. They have this magic powder paint they call Frensheen that you just mix with their finishing coat and it’s like liquid gold.

So you add the powder to the finishing coat and mix it in. The more powder you add the deeper the pigment. It’s brilliant.

Yes, I know a spray paint would probably be quicker, but I hate the smell, I would have to go outside to paint and they’re not eco friendly. Plus I can sit on my stool in my warm kitchen, in front of my toasty Aga and paint away to my hearts content.

I gave the pumpkins a first coat and decided I wanted them a bit more Liberace gold than that ? so I let them dry for 10 mins and went in for a second coat.
They dry really fast so I was able to get this whole project done in less than an hour and put my display back together.

I added the orange pomanders that I made last week and a couple of sprigs of holly and there we are, Christmas pumpkins.
Im pretty happy with how they turned out and I hope it inspires you to give your pumpkins another shot.
Merry Christmas
Sam x