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Learn how to make delicious, fizzy water kefir soda. If you like fizzy drinks then you will LOVE this Water Kefir Soda.

How to make water kefir soda

Different types of kefir

You may have heard of milk kefir before and if not you can read all about it in my post Kefir- an easy guide

Milk kefir grains are different to water kefir grains. Milk kefir look like cottage cheese and are soft to the touch.

Health benefits of kefir and how to make kefir at home

Water kefir is clear and gelatine like. They can be completely clear or amber in colour depending on what type of sugar you feed it.

How to make water kefir soda

Water kefir is very simple to make and once the water kefir is made you can flavour it with all sorts of things for the second fermentation for a delicious fizzy drink.

Why make Water kefir?

  • Water kefir is a probiotic and is therefore a great thing to drink regularly for gut health.
  • They are very easy to make and only require water and sugar added to the grains
  • A fizzy drink is a great way to get healthy probiotics into your children. They will be begging for a glass!
Fermented water kefir

How to make water kefir soda

  • The full recipe is below with all the measurements in the printable recipe card, but the basics are this. 3 ingredients, Water, sugar and kefir grains
  • First strain the grains ( note these are not grains like wheat or barley. they are a living thing so treat gently.
Strained water kefir grains
  • Once strained they can be tipped back into the jar that you use to ferment in. I use a quart size mason jar that is the perfect size.
How to make water kefir soda
  • In a separate jug add the sugar. It doesn’t really matter which sugar you use. White sugar is fine, but natural cane sugar gives better flavour and is a less processed food which is always preferable.
  • Add 1/2 cup of hot water to the sugar and stir to dissolve.
  • Add in 3 cups of cold water and stir in.
Water kefir sugar water
  • Pour it over the kefir grains in the mason jar and screw on the lid gently. It will need to breath so not too tight. You can buy fermenting lids, but if you are careful that isn’t necessary.
How to make water kefir
  • The strained water kefir is now ready for its second fermentation. Using a funnel, pour it into a 1 ltr swing top glass bottle and top up with 250ml of your favourite fruit juice. In our house apple or pear is our favourite, but whichever is your favourite go with it.
How to make water kefir soda
  • Close the lid and set aside for at least 24hours. You will need to burp the bottle each day as it will build up pressure as it ferments. To do that just pop open the bottle for a second and close it up.
  • When it reaches your preferred amount of fizz, you can drink it. You can drink it straight away, but trust me. It is so much better when it’s fizzy.

I hope you have a go at making water kefir. Your gut will thank you and so will your tastebuds.

See you all soon

Happy making and happy baking

Sam x

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Water Kefir grains

Quart mason jar

Kilner bottle

Plastic strainer

Copper measuring cups

Glass jug

How to make Water Kefir Soda

How to make Water Kefir Soda

Learn how to make delicious, fizzy water kefir soda.
Prep Time 3 minutes
Fermenting and second ferment 2 days
Course Drinks
Cuisine English
Servings 2 Ltrs


  • Jar with lid
  • Glass bottle with swing lid for carbonated drinks


Pre ferment

  • 3 1/2 cups Water
  • 1/4 cup Sugar
  • 2 tbsp Water Kefir grains

Post first ferment

  • 250 ml Fruit juice I used apple


Pre ferment

  • Measure out the sugar and tip into a heat proof jug
  • Measure out 1/2 cup of hot water and add it to the sugar
  • Stir until the sugar is fully dissolved
  • Now add 3 cups of cold water and stir to combine.
  • Place the water kefir grains into a large jar and pour over the now cold sugar water.
  • Screw on the lid to a 'finger tight' tension and set aside for 24-48 hours depending on how warm the kitchen is.

Post first ferment

  • Place a plastic strainer over a large jug and pour the water kefir through to separate the grains.
  • Scoop the grains back into the lided jar and prepare the sugar water as before.
  • Pour the new sugar water over the grains to start the fermenting off again.
  • Carefully pour the kefir water into a bottle with a funnel.
  • Top up the bottle with 250ml fruit juice and close the lid.
  • Set the bottle aside in a warm room for 24 hours.
  • The kefir should now be sweet and fizzy. Enjoy your healthy fizzy drink
Keyword fizzy, healthy, kefir, probiotic, soda, water

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