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These easy soft sourdough dinner rolls are a delicious alternative to the chewy artisan sourdough bread. They are light, soft and perfect for lunches or as a burger bun.

Easy Soft sourdough buns
The softest sourdough bread buns

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Sourdough has become very popular in recent years with this year creating a sourdough boom. With people being at home more it has given them the opportunity to learn new ways of cooking.

In my previous posts on HOW TO MAKE A SOURDOUGH STARTER and other recipes for using your starter, I have had people showing me their creations and growing their own starters. Its so much fun to be part of this little sourdough club.

Sourdough Benefits

Sourdough has so many benefits. The easiest to see is that you will no longer need commercial yeast therefore saving you money. plus it is always ready and at hand ready to use.

Health Benefits

Sourdough is made by fermenting the grain that your flour is made from. This process breaks down the grain and reduces the parts of the grain that aren’t easily digestible such as Phytic acid and gluten.

Because of this long fermentation process some people who have sensitivities to gluten may find that they can tolerate bread again. This is not the case with intolerances such as celiacs, but it will make digestion of the grains that much easier for everyone else.

How to make your Easy Soft Sourdough Bread Rolls


  • 2.5 cups Bread flour
  • 1/2 cup Sourdough starter
  • 1/4 cup Sugar
  • 1/4 cup Butter (melted)
  • 3/4 cup Warm water
  • 1tsp Himalayan sea salt


  • Combine all of the ingredients to a standard mixer with the dough hook attached.
  • Make sure that the melted butter has cooled so it doesn’t kill your natural yeast in your starter.
  • The same applies to the warm water. Just lukewarm.
  • Set the mixer to knead your dough for 5 minutes until it becomes elastic. If you don’t have a standard mixer you can do this by hand, but it will take longer to get the elasticity.
  • Once yo have finished kneading, place back in an oiled bowl and cover with a tea towel and leave to proof overnight.
Sourdough proofing
Sourdough proofing in a bowl
  • In the morning take the dough out of the bowl and divide into 8 balls.
  • Shape the balls so that they have a smooth surface and brush them with melted butter.
  • Put them in a lined baking tray to rise for 1-2 hours or until they have doubled in size. This will depend on how lively your starter is and how warm your kitchen is.
Sourdough bread rolls
Sourdough bread rolls rising
  • When the dough balls have doubled in size place them in a preheated oven at 170 degrees C
  • Bake for 25 minutes or until they are a nice golden brown on top and sound hollow when tapped on the bottom.
Easy soft sourdough bread rolls
Golden and soft sourdough bread rolls
  • Remove from the oven and allow to cool completely on a wire rack.

Easy Soft Sourdough rolls – uses

They are a great roll for sandwiches at lunchtime, for dipping in soup with creamy fresh butter or as a burger bun with homemade venison burgers like we had them this time.

sourdough burger buns

Sourdough burger buns

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Easy Soft sourdough buns
The softest sourdough bread buns

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I hope that you make these sourdough bread rolls. They really are delicious and so soft.

Happy making and happy baking

See you soon

Sam x

Soft Sourdough rolls
How to make Easy Soft Sourdough Rolls

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