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Hot chocolate isn’t just for children. This decadent chocolate drink can be taken up a couple of notches and turned into the most delicious grown up version of the old classic.

The most important ingredient is a really good dark chocolate. Once melted into the hot milk, makes a rich and sumptuous drink. I add a few extra little touches and “Hey Presto!” Grown up Hot Chocolate.


  • Half a large bar of good quality dark chocolate
  • 1 pint of full fat milk ( I use goats milk)
  • A pinch of cayenne pepper
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon
  • A shot of brandy
  • Squirty cream
  • Marshmallow to serve


  • First break up the chocolate into small pieces.
  • Pour the milk into a pan and heat up. Before it boils add the chocolate to the milk.
  • Stir until the chocolate has melted into the milk and is completely combined.
  • Now add the cinnamon and cayenne pepper.
  • Stir it all together and take off the heat.
  • Add the Brandy and stir together.
  • Pour into your favourite cup and top with the squirty cream and marshmallows.
  • Enjoy

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