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Breakfast is the most important meal of the day they say, and this is true. Firstly it sets your metabolism up for the rest of the day. Secondly it fuels your body after a full night of fasting and for me although I was never really a person who eats early, I still try to eat something as it helps my concentration and on these darker mornings is a great mood enhancer.

Myself I was never really a fan of sweet breakfast cereal first thing, I much prefer a savoury start to the day. These potatoes are the perfect starchy start to my day to get my day going. Plus this is an excellent way to use up leftover potatoes from the night before.


Leftover (or part cooked) potatoes in 1″ chunks

1 clove of garlic minced

1tbsp oil

1tbsp butter

1tsp smoked paprika

Method :

  • Heat a cast iron skillet up on your hob and add the oil.
  • Add the butter and garlic and cook until fragrant, but not brown.
  • Add in the potatoes and stir to cover in the garlic butter, then sprinkle over the paprika
  • Carefully stir again to cover the potatoes in the paprika and then leave them to crisp up on the bottom of the pan.
  • Once the bottoms are nicely crisp, use a spatula to turn them and do the same again.
  • This is repeated until all the potatoes have a nice crispy crust on them.
  • Your potatoes are now ready to serve. I like to have a fried egg with mine. Divine

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